Author Topic: New Pilot  (Read 8362 times)

Offline Lunalee

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New Pilot
« on: December 30, 2013, 10:19:18 am »
Hi hi! I'm a new Pilot and plan to stay that way seeing as how there arent many in the game. I'd like to get better and would like some static crew of some sort. I dont have a mic but I know how to use the in game commands and im a decently fast typer. Currently Im level four pilot with a K/D of 172:63. If anyone is interested please add me in game: Lunalee, or on Steam: Luna (I know there are like 300 of them but mine is the one with the picture of Motoko Kunasagi from Ghost in the shell). Any who I look forward to seeing all of your bravery in the skies. :D

Offline GreyTea

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Re: New Pilot
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2013, 10:38:18 am »
If you look on this thread, they are clans that are recruiting and you can apply to them,
I am sure they are clan's out there who would love a dedicated pilot,  If you like fun and fire i can always suggest trying to find a cake member :) they have pilots who can teach you lots about piloting, or take that step with a crew that works, add them to your friend list and make your own crew, ether way good luck :D

Offline Mattisamo

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Re: New Pilot
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2013, 12:11:04 pm »
Luna's a nice person, happy and glad to learn. A good pick-up for whoever gets there first!

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: New Pilot
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2013, 02:43:28 am »
Wow I feel conflicted.
I hate people who brag around with their KD ratio, but also like Ghost in the shell.  :P
Well i'll be the first one to give you an offer I guess.

Greetings young sailor.
My name is Captain Coldcurse, Leader of The Flying Dutchmen.
It's nice to see your KD ratio but you just played 235 matches against people that may or may be good at playing this game.
I would like to offer you a place in the clan so you can participate into competitive matchess and Tournaments.
These matches and tournaments are filled with players that are way above your level, those players are veterans and skilled people.
Each of those players have played more then a thousand matches and have enough experience that they can kill you while blindfolded.
My offer to you is an oppertunity.
An oppertunity to fight along/against the most experienced and strongest players of the game.

If you wish to join us, contact me.
Steam: bobvanelburg
or send a reply on:,435.0.html

Skill isn't measured in fancy statistics,
Captain Coldcurse.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: New Pilot
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2013, 04:57:03 am »
A positive K/D is a good thing imo. Shows you are a smart enough pilot not to pull something stupid and get your crew killed. I encourage you to keep it up Luna. The more you think before you act, the better you'll get.

Hence one reason why this game isn't more popular than it is. Far too many that can't do that, get stomped hard, qq, then go back to playing CoD.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: New Pilot
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2013, 05:20:05 am »
hey lunalee, I know you probaly heard this before, but get a microphone your future crew will function a lot better if you are having a conversation with them. Sometimes you have to discuss whats the best thing to do, and thats how it´s easiest done.

you sound like you are a upcoming pilot and I hope you join a clan  who can teach you even further, thats how I got started into flying and competitive play.

the important thing when you join a clan is waht you want from it.if you want to fly competitively, you need to find a clan that can promise you that, if you just want the comfort of a an experienced community then thats what you ask for. If nothing takes your liking you can create your own, it´s easy to get players once you ask them, keeping them active is the hard part.

in any case I dont think any experienced players in the game would mind if you asked them for help. So if you need it and play around european times feel free to add me on steam: Granaut