Author Topic: Must I repeat Myself?  (Read 58993 times)

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #45 on: January 16, 2014, 03:08:14 pm »
"Hello there X, can you please take care of the gatling gunning on the front deck of our ship?"

"Hey X, please head up the ladder next to the steering wheel and man the gun to the right at the ships front!"

"No, head up the ladder, not the stairs"

"Hey look at me, I'm the guy jumping in front of you right now, follow me please"

"Here, follow me up this ladder, please!"

"No, don't turn around, come back here"

"No, that's a beacon gun - not the gatling gun you're supposed to shoot, release it please and follow me!"

"can you hear the voice chat at all"?(written)

"do you speak English"?

"Sprichst du Deutsch"?

"Alright, I'm sorry to tell you co-captains, but we'll barely be useful here as our gunner is incapable of finding our pyras front weapons."

Unfortunately I actually need more than one hand to count the number of incidences like these I've participated in :-/

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2014, 06:40:56 pm »
I wonder how it would be from the other point of view, having some one yelling a butchered approximation of my name and a bunch of nonsensical commands in another language.

Offline Kestril

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2014, 12:57:36 am »
Just some things I find myself saying regularly:

---Normal situations---
"Welcome aboard!"

"Two engineers topside with me, gunner, you're on the gatling guns below" (junker)

"Gunner, that big front gun is all yours"  (goldfish)

"No, not those guns."

"The plan is X, so man Y."

"We're going to attack from X, so get on the Y guns."

"Don't go charging in alone, stick with us."

"I left the kerosene on again, my bad!"

---Need repairs---

"Can someone fix the maneuver engines? I can't turn the ship."

"Engines down. We are dead in the water."

"Get on the hull people!"


"Ballon's out. We're sinking."

"Balloon! Balloon! BalloonBalloonBalloonBALLOON!"

"Pick something and fix it!"

"Wait until you see the red markers before shooting the flak."

"Switch targets to the X."

"Be sure to lead the ship, the tracer rounds on the gatling gun aren't where the bullets are actually going."

"Left guns fire"

"Right guns fire"

"Open up!"

"Light 'em up!"


"Nice shot!"

"Good shooting"

---Close Calls---

"That'll chip some paint!"

"Huh, we're still alive?"

"I didn't think we'd make it through that one. Good job X"

---Going down---

"Mayday! Monday! Tuesday! Wednesday!"

"Don't charge in after us, we're pretty dead."

"My bad guys, I did X. You guys did the best you could."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2014, 01:03:16 am »
"Um excuse me, can we get main engines please? I'm tired of sitting here."

"Why don't we have main engines yet?"

"I thought I told you to repair the engines."

Offline Marneous

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2014, 02:33:15 am »
"Front guns, gentlemen"

"No seriously, front guns"

"Get off that damn Mercury and get on the front gat"

"Ok, NOW get on the mercury"

"Why are you still on front guns, I said Mercury"

"Oh Awesome to buff hammers. Wait, what?"

"You brought a buff hammer, spanner and rubber mallet and you knew we were fighting a squid?"

"Don't rebuild with the rubber mallet"

"Why did you bring a rubber mallet as a gunner? You're level 5! You know the best thing for you to field is a monkey wrench until told otherwise!"

"Two gunners? Must be duck season"

"I moved to the empty ship slot for a reason"

"Contrary to popular belief the spectator mode is the best way to find out what ship is best to join"

"Level 1 captain? I think it's best off you learn how to gun first. Let me captain instead, I'll show you a few tricks"

"Oh look a gat/mortar pyramid. How original"

"Oh it's just a hades. OH CRAP THE GUNNER KNOWS HOW TO USE IT"

"Why didn't you bring Chem Spray?"

"I've got dibs on main deck"

"Don't touch the hull. It is mine. Go fix something else"

"No seriously, don't touch it"

"You touched the hull and ruined the cooldowns. That's why we're dead"

"Please don't touch the hull this time"

"Their engineers didn't bring chem spray. Use incindiary"

"I'm fixing the hull, fix the engines instead"

"Guys, please don't argue with me. Especially when you're both level 1-3"

"I'm being an engie for my benefit, not yours"

"No, I won't join your ship. You didn't ask politely"

"Well our captain just quit. Let's see if we can turn this match around"

"You seriously think I'm going to go against you in this stacked lobby?"

"You see these half-empty ships and the one full one with level 10-plus players, not to mention all those full spectator slots filled with more level 10-plusses? Yeah, that's what's wrong with this game"

"Oh look another elitist 10-plus players who only wants to fly with other 10-plus players and not help out that level 3 English speaking ship over there who's clearly struggling to get a grasp of this game, even though they're all decent people and have microphones and are willing to learn a few things from someone more experienced"

"I'm sorry guys, it doesn't matter how good the crew is, 2 vs 1 is still 2 vs 1"

The list goes on...

Offline redria

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2014, 08:21:46 am »
"meow meow"

"Hold on to your butts!" <- making poor decisions

"Don't care, I'm a bear" <- In response to crew questioning me charging into a 2v1 situation

"Mistakes were Made!!!" <- For those times when my crew -may- have been right

"Noooo my engines" <- When my main engineer decides to take about 5 seconds to shoot at people instead of babysitting my engines

"Hull hull hull hull hu-Yes it's up! We're ramming again!"

"Focus the *! Keep shooting, keep shooting... Now focus the other one! I'm sitting on this one"

"I know I shouldn't try to kill galleons by sitting on them, but I can't help it!"

"You seriously think I'm going to go against you in this stacked lobby?"

"You see these half-empty ships and the one full one with level 10-plus players, not to mention all those full spectator slots filled with more level 10-plusses? Yeah, that's what's wrong with this game"
"Challenge Accepted"
"Alright crew, we are teamed up with a level 1 pilot flying a mobula called YOLO on Paritan Rumble. He isn't allowed to die. Let's do this." <- err well that may have only been once

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2014, 08:59:56 am »
Ok guys.

We're on a mobula with all minelaunchers.

only shoot when I tell you to, otherwise we are doomed.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2014, 01:31:06 pm »
I don't really say these but it's what I think every time:

"The capt is yelling at me I should pretend I lose connection" When I'm engie or gunner.

"The ally capt is yelling at me I should switch to engie next match" When I'm piloting.

"If I was a higher level at least it'd seem like I know what I'm doing" When I'm doing something stupid xD

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2014, 02:01:39 pm »
"If I was a higher level at least it'd seem like I know what I'm doing" When I'm doing something stupid xD

trust me.... we just get better at making others think we know what we're doing

*edit* and then there's Zill.... that guy's OP

Offline redria

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2014, 02:50:59 pm »
"If I was a higher level at least it'd seem like I know what I'm doing" When I'm doing something stupid xD

trust me.... we just get better at making others think we know what we're doing

*edit* and then there's Zill.... that guy's OP
We don't actually have a plan, we just know that what we are doing has somehow worked before, so we do it again and hope we remember what it was that worked.
At least I generally don't have a plan.

Offline Oliver Colt

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2014, 03:51:50 pm »
"If I was a higher level at least it'd seem like I know what I'm doing" When I'm doing something stupid xD

trust me.... we just get better at making others think we know what we're doing

*edit* and then there's Zill.... that guy's OP

He is O.O

We don't actually have a plan, we just know that what we are doing has somehow worked before, so we do it again and hope we remember what it was that worked.
At least I generally don't have a plan.
I need to master that then xD

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2014, 03:40:24 am »
"You brought a buff hammer, spanner and rubber mallet and you knew we were fighting a squid?"
I actually think that's a viable load-out for whoever focuses on gunning.

"If I was a higher level at least it'd seem like I know what I'm doing" When I'm doing something stupid xD
trust me.... we just get better at making others think we know what we're doing
Yeah, right, I'm sure no one would blame you for anything.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2014, 04:38:05 am »
Do not worry, I'll make sure we will win this game.
So if all hell breacks loose, you will not panic until I give you permission to panic.

Offline Buchou

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2014, 10:41:31 pm »
"I hit that on purpose"

"Move ship forward!" (using the signals)

"Watch my hull, I'm going in dry"

"Fire the Gatling Gun"

"Stop firing the mines in front of me"

"Crew, prepare to be hwacha'd"

(When blatantly flying through dust storms) "I hope you like repairing" or "Anyone need repair achievements?"

"Everyone start shooting. If we're going down we're taking them with us!"

"Don't shoot the Galleon. I can't be bothered trying to kill it"

"Wow noob teammate. Report"

"Balloon is on fire"

"How did we get that kill?"

(In lobby) "Gunner bring greased rounds please" (5 minutes later) "yeah, or don't. That's cool too I guess"

"Can you pop our balloon please, captain? I've almost levelled up"


"...I think I just moonshined into a wall behind us"

(When captain hits terrain) "Are you drunk!?"

"Don't worry about our hull. I got this" (every time I've said this, we've died)

"Don't worry, crew. At least we tried"

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2014, 09:13:05 pm »
"You're a gunner X you don't need to repair"
"No really just stay on the front guns please"
"Just let the engineers repair you don't need to help"
"Ok I'm just gonna ram them"