Author Topic: Drogue chute upgrade  (Read 6047 times)

Offline Van-Tuz

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Drogue chute upgrade
« on: December 18, 2013, 09:22:23 am »
I have a suggestion for the drogue chute. Right now its only usability is countering carronades and lumberjacks. It's not like these things should be countered but I'll leave that ranting aside and try to make drogue chute useful for more situations.

I have 2 suggestions for that:
1) Make drogue chute stop the ship very quickly. A hard braking basically. That way it can be used for outmaneouvering enemy and avoiding collisions.
2) Make drogue chite pull you in the wind's direction. That way it could be used for advanced skill-based movement. It'll even allow you to move sideways.

That of course in addition to its main function - slowing down falling. They may not work simultaneously or could apply braking first and then pull the ship after it's almost stopped.

Also if something of that would be implemented I'd also like to see a visual representation of the skill. Like a REAL parachute on the rope which deploys on activation and towed back into ship after deactivation.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Drogue chute upgrade
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2013, 03:34:47 pm »
Its true that drogue chute has little uses other than countering carronades will to smack us down to the ground.

Those suggestions.... i love them.. In my oppinion i would use the FUDGE out of them.

But not all maps have wind.
Also would kill the ship more, specialy in paritian... oh god... I dont want to think about it. But i would love to have a strafing ability with my spire XD

And stopping the ships calls for different stat mechanics. For example, some abilities share same stats but have different numbers on them Like moonshine and Kyrosine.
No stat really stop your ship, just engine output. Which does not break your ship that is allready going fast, it just makes you not be able to keep the speed that you were going up. Because your engines can only go so fast now.

Stopping the ship should then be considered into -% longtidunal, arial or whatever drags in all directions. Which i think is... counter intuitive? I cant seem why remember having minus drags would be OP. Cant remember but there is something. But if not, ide have that!

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Drogue chute upgrade
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2013, 12:44:16 am »
You can use kerosene or moonshine to stop and reverse your ship pretty effectively. Pending of course you have engines functioning.

Something to help move the ship with wind isn't a bad idea. If you could use it to pick up extra speed by going with the wind...I'd love it.