Author Topic: End of game 'rating'  (Read 14047 times)

Offline dragonmere

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End of game 'rating'
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:24:53 am »
Whats up with the stats displayed at end game? Is there any way to see them out of game?

Most importantly, what was the "Performance Grade" or whatever the last stat is? I've had it as low as .8 and as high as 1.8. What's the range, what effects the rating, how can I see it out-side of that 3 second window, and what's it for?

I have a feeling that rating is going to be the basis for the matchmaking system, so I'd really like to know a bit more about it.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 11:27:15 am by dragonmere »

Offline Thomas

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 01:46:15 pm »
I was curious about this too (and I'm guessing you've been playing a gungineer?). As far as I'm aware the score goes up towards 5 or so (maybe). I've had pretty low scores, and my highest was a 3.8. Right now I think it's more of an interesting number, but there's a lot of things I don't like about it.

Like I pointed out in my matchmaking thread, a rating system purely based on player actions isn't going to cut the mustard (kids still say that, right?). If you're a pilot of a disabling ship, letting your ally get all the kills, your score is going to be low. If you're an engineer and you're put in the role of gungineer, you won't be doing as much fixing/buffing; and your score will be really low, even if you're absolutely obliterating the other team with your gun. If you're a gunner and your pilot has a fear of facing the enemy, you're not going to be able to shoot them effectivelly; your score will be really low.

It's a very team oriented game that's a lot more complex than 'How many things did you fix', and therefore pretty difficult to make a good rating system.

Also (I haven't done any gunning with this system) there are some of the score criteria I don't like. As a pilot, one of the ways to get a better score is to kill opponents... with your ship. So if you don't ram kill them, your score will actually be a little lower. Then you have to shake spots as well? As a captain, I'm generally a little preoccupied with wanting to kill the enemy before they kill me, which reduces my ability to run away into a cloud to shake a spot. As an engineer, one of them is buffing components. Which is nice and all, but if you run around the ships fixing this and that, putting out fires and such, you'll get a really good score. But not as good as if you had buffed components.

Overall I kind of like seeing it, but it can be a little misleading.

Offline Zander Broda

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 01:47:58 pm »
oh god i hope its not, i've only gotten up to a 1.8as well but i know someone got a 3.0 and i've heard of someone getting a 5.0

Offline The Djinn

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 03:26:14 pm »
It's also hilariously misleading. I had a game yesterday that we won by my Goldfish perma-tanking the capture point, giving almost no resistance other than the occasional disable and crazy piloting tricks because our ally was new enough to not be particularly useful (understandably, of course). I got a score of something like 0.8, due to our 1 kill, our 1 capture, and our 4 or so deaths...while our minutes and minutes of holding the point against a constant 2v1 added nothing to the score while also being the deciding factor in our eventual victory.  :D

Not that I actually care about the number, but still. It's the old problem of attempting to numerically judge a game that is much much more complicated than the system can accurately represent.

Offline geggis

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2013, 06:06:14 am »
It's the old problem of attempting to numerically judge a game that is much much more complicated than the system can accurately represent.

Exactly. I don't mind the game totting up how many buffs or repairs I did, or how many fires I put out (actually, how many components I chem sprayed -- and protected from fire -- would be nice), but trying to accurately grade my performance when there are so many other things going on that are possibly as imporntant, if not more so, is going to be nigh on impossible. And what about communication? How do you measure that? Or being a pilot? Grades can be fun and make you feel better (or worse!) which could be as good a driver as any to make players play better but I have my reservations about how accurate and representative it will (and can) be. It could be a fantastic incentiviser if nothing else if handled correctly.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 06:12:31 am by geggis »

Offline Regule

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2013, 06:24:46 am »
Do winning/loosing round have effect on grade ?
Because you know it's kinda important part of game :)

Offline Andika

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2013, 06:27:28 am » is it purely the number of things you successfully fix/shoot that determines your score? Because if that's the case then it means that if you're an experienced engineer and your team is so good that the ship hardly gets damaged at all, you'll get a terribly low score as opposed to the engineer who is on the other side and fixes a hundred or so parts while his team loses to 5-0. Wouldn't this actually downgrade many experienced engineers instead of reflecting their experience? Higher level engineers sticking to higher level captains and continuously defeating lower level players will keep getting low scores based on their in-match performance (performance = enjoying the view when there's nothing to be repaired), and thus, the system will not show anything of the level of their skills. I get to fix a lot more stuff when I fly with inexperienced crews than when I fly with people who kill enemies in a blink of an eye.

Offline geggis

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2013, 07:02:28 am » is it purely the number of things you successfully fix/shoot that determines your score? Because if that's the case then it means that if you're an experienced engineer and your team is so good that the ship hardly gets damaged at all, you'll get a terribly low score as opposed to the engineer who is on the other side and fixes a hundred or so parts while his team loses to 5-0. Wouldn't this actually downgrade many experienced engineers instead of reflecting their experience? Higher level engineers sticking to higher level captains and continuously defeating lower level players will keep getting low scores based on their in-match performance (performance = enjoying the view when there's nothing to be repaired), and thus, the system will not show anything of the level of their skills. I get to fix a lot more stuff when I fly with inexperienced crews than when I fly with people who kill enemies in a blink of an eye.

I got a 5.0 on a Squid as a buff and chem spray engineer -- I literally didn't stop moving for an entire game and no doubt my work was beneficial -- but on a Spire where I had a mallet, spanner and extinguisher, and I spent most of my time shooting and occasionally patching things up, my grade plummeted to around 0.5 I think. Perhaps 'Performance Grade' should be renamed to something like 'Class Contribution Grade' because at least that way it would be kind of accurate. It definitely needs to say what the grade is out of though, so 0.5/5.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: End of game 'rating'
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2013, 04:51:16 pm »
Say we say the heck with this rating system and just go with a setup like Rayman Origins: