Author Topic: "Well done, crew!"  (Read 6695 times)

Offline Andika

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"Well done, crew!"
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:22:18 am »
First of all, I couldn't find a similar topic, but I remember something like this, so feel free to delete this one if it already exists.  ;)

So the thing is that I love the new voice command system as it happens quite often that I can't play with mic and this feature gives me a chance to be heard even when I can't use my real voice (we all know that typing is not always the same as it often goes unnoticed, plus it's much slower). What I don't like about the system at this point though is that the command list is still incomplete when it comes to all the things I'd love to say to my crewmates, so I thought we might start a topic where people can collect all the useful phrases that they would love to be able to use within this function. I'm thinking about universal phrases that could be used in many situations, not just in one or two specific cases.

The other day I played without mic and after a good hit everyone on the ship went Hurray! and all. I would've loved to say at least a "Whoohoo" too, but all I could say was something like "Enemy sighted above!".  :D So my first two suggestions would be two phrases, one about encouragement when things are going badly, something like "Keep it up mates, we can do this", and one about great achievements, something like "Well done, crew". Both as captain and as crewmate these could come in handy as we tend to say such things all the time during matches. I realize that too many commands would mess the system up as it would become too complicated to select a phrase out of a hundred or so, but one or two more would be quite nice to have. Maybe put them under a different key? V for battle commands and another key for personal/social phrases? Any other suggestions?

Offline ramjamslam

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Re: "Well done, crew!"
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 05:40:36 am »
This sounds like a really good idea.  Things like "Nice Shooting!", "Good Kill!", "Nice Hustle" and "Lets get back in there!" for some morale boosting / teamwork oriented commands.  Maybe also something like "Keep your eyes peeled" or "Get ready for action" type commands as well.

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Re: "Well done, crew!"
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 07:55:12 am »
Andika is right. Appretiation commands would be appretiated.

However i could imagine if that "get ready" or "ready up already" was in match lobby it would be frustrating. but good they are all ingame. Also a fix of the menu to see the commands better would be cool.

The tutorial texts could be voice too. They are possible to disable but maybe ppl would listen better than they read texts? It gets very quickly annoying but just an idea. Add tutorial voice option?
Then maybe low levels might learn to rebuild with a spanner not mallet and repair with something else than the buff hammer?

Offline Riggatto

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Re: "Well done, crew!"
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 06:05:57 pm »
I think first priority is to say yes/no

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: "Well done, crew!"
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2013, 04:16:08 am »
I'd like a small tweak to the command system where rather than having situational choices depending weather you're on a gun or helm or neither your presented with a full set of command options. All too often I press the wrong signal because they change!

My second suggestion  would be to stop them posting in text chat, when in cool down they prevent you from manually typing messages. In fact the cool down on signals doesn't prevent spam, only their legitimate use in succession, trolls can wait 3 seconds between each signal an be just as annoying.

Thirdly signals should not prevent game actions when used, for example using a signal in the middle of rebuilding something will cause you to skip a hit on a component, when used on the helm it can cause all ship controls to become non responsive!

lastly I'd love a set of signals for use between captains, similar to captains chat, "hold fast" "enemy off your starboard" etc.