Ninja Theory...the guys are masters of motion capture animation in gaming. Look up Heavenly Sword to see their best work. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West came out a few years back on consoles. Beautiful game, great motion capture, not as good as Heavenly Sword but damn better than half the crap being churned out in the industry. The game was just too much for the consoles to handle. Lot of fps problems. Most of which in areas that were just too big and highly detailed.
I know it looks kinda silly beating up robots with a staff and climbing around like a monkey, I didn't buy it at launch originally because it didn't appeal to me. But then I finally realized who it was that made it and I snatched it up. If your on the fence now with it's price then yeah wait for a Steam sale but honestly, its a really gorgeous title and worth the $20 price.
Check it out on Steam!