The whole issue of policing ourselves and "stacked teams" in general in my mind is not the fault of the accused stacked team in most scenarios. Most lobbies, even completely fair lobbies where there are balanced teams of equal skill, will eventually go to a stacked scenario. I'm going to use player levels here to pain the picture, even though it doesn't fully describe skill, whatever.
Start with a completely fair lobby, led by a few lvl 10+ crew, with lvl 4-7 core crew and maybe a few good 1-2 players as well. As individuals leave a lobby (to go play another match, play another game, sleep, ect), you inevitably get the level 1-2 new players who will join in, often times very much green, and a lot of times not very cooperative with their shipmates. They tend to weaken one side, and then that team will potentially lose the next match(s). This will discourage the lvl 4-7 base of that team, and they might switch sides or go off to find another lobby where they might have a better chance at winning, potentially finding themselves on the other side of a stacked match. This begets more lvl 1-2 newbies, and before you know it you've got a completely unfair match of stacked players. It's an unfortunate but very redundant scenario I see all the time. If the one side doesn't want to split up because they're all friends or they're trying out a new build combo, all of a sudden they become vilified for stacking teams and making things unfair.
I would totally be behind something where we could fix the match imbalance, but not if it is going to hurt clans or groups of higher level friends. A few Muse guys that I've talked to about this have even agreed that they like the fact that people are grouping up to make more competitive lobbies and matches, they absolutely don't want to limit the possibility of this happening. Anything where it's forcing a clan to separate or swap ships or whatever is basically limiting what groups can do together, and potentially lessening their enjoyment of the game.
Whatever scenario we want to come up with, it shouldn't LIMIT anyone. In order to please some, I fear that you're inevitably going to hurt others. Sure, other games have come up with a good solution, but no other games have THIS much teamwork and cooperation involved, we can't just split teams right down the numbers by level and pretend that this game is going to be anywhere near as enjoyable as it is.