Author Topic: Create a faction!  (Read 6794 times)

Offline Piemanlives

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Create a faction!
« on: October 12, 2013, 01:49:20 am »
Thought this would be a fun little thing to post here, try your hand at developing a faction, doesn't have to be GoI based, can be anything really, be creative and have fun with it.

Basic outline (Anything can be added or subtracted)





Major Beliefs/Religions:

Famous Figures:


Level of Technology:

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Create a faction!
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2013, 08:30:13 am »
Coming up with imaginary civilisations? Dis mah jam! I've got a whole stockpile of them, none of which connected to GoI in any way.

Name: Duskfield

Government: Feudal government, led by a Lord

Description: Duskfield, sprawled against the mountainside and surrounded by vast fields of "dusk flowers", is a very wealthy and influential city-state, with both shrewd merchants and a strong standing army. The main body of the city lies down at the base of the mountain but it's castle, "Redgrass Keep" lies a ways up the mountain at the end of a winding mountain path. The city's crest is an owl atop a boar's back, which was originally the symbol of the Boorknights, a strong and selective knightly order, but the Boorknights have since been wiped out. There have been a few unsuccessful attempts to revive the order.

History: Duskfield was founded as part of the old and powerful Kingdom of Galafell. It's original purpose was literally to be a showoff city, representing everything good about Galafell, them saying "hey guys, look how awesome a kingdom we are". Of course there are disadvantages to a kingdom being so attractive, others want it.
It wasn't log before the Valkegan people from across the sea, led by King Vilk started a campaign to take over Galafell. It was very successful. Vilk was a strong general and it wasn't long before the Galafellian capital itself, Kingsdale, was threatened by an assault. To respond, the Galafellian king decided to withdraw almost every single one of Galafell's knightly orders to defend the capital, including the Kingsknights, the Boorknights, the Pyeknights, the Luhrknights, the Wadeknights and the Thrognknights, but not the Yaleknights, who stayed in there southern fort of Herald Hill.
Even all of these orders weren't enough, and not only was the capital taken, but every knight was slain, too, leaving the rest of Galefell open for the taking. The Valkegans proceeded to take over all of Galafell bar two settlements, Herald Hill and Duskfield. The reason Herald Hill stayed safe was a combination of the strength of the Yaleknights, who were one of the strongest of the orders, and Herald Hill's easily defendable position, not only atop a hill but also surrounded by a river that splits and rejoins with itself around the hill, acting as a natural mote. So King Vilk abandoned Herald Hill. The reason Duskfield survived was that, during Vilk's siege of Duskfield, it was inexplicably interrupted by a swarm of dragons, who attacked not only Vilk's army but Duskfield, too, causing deaths uncountable. The Drakes left Vilk's army in disarray and Duskfield in ruins, but still standing.
And so Vilk abandoned Duskfield and was content with almost wiping out Galafell. However, after his death, Vilk's kingdom eventually fell apart due to various political reasons. After decades of decline what land that was taken by Vilk revolted and turned into a group of city-states, even the capital, Kingsdale, which was later renamed Gallodale, after its new king, "Gallo the Upstart", a Galafellian who would rather throw away his heritage and start his own kingdom instead of rebuilding Galafell. Although many Duskfielder lords had craved the revival of Galafell in all its glory, none have been able to put it into action, but Duskfield remains as a last beacon of the once glorious Galafell.

Famous figures: The original lord of Duskfield was Lord Tarquain, a charismatic leader who would often have lavish banquets where he would leave the palace doors open for any one of his people to join in.
One notable lord is also Lord Oskar Veyn, who is famous for slaying two Drakes over the course of his life: The nameless killer of his father, Harold Veyn, and "Horse Splitter", a notorious Drake famous for killing horses, or rather splitting them in half and eating them.

Mentality: Duskfield longs for nothing more than the revival of Galafell, the retaking of Kingsdale from the the clutches of Gallo the Upstart's descendants, but Duskfield can't do much to make this reality, lacking a strong enough military to lead such a campaign.
Duskfield also has a degree of gender equality. In Galafell, moth men and women were able to enlist in any of the knightly orders, and this tradition has endured in Duskfield, as men and women are part of its military, a key difference between it and the other nations nearby.

Tech level: Medieval: swords, bows, catapults etc.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Create a faction!
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2013, 07:05:13 pm »
I'm guessing that one have some connection to your Gryphon universe there eh? Gotta say I like those knight-order names.

Hrmm interseting. If I'd had the time I could have tried to expand on my own original predictions for the GoIO factions. Those who jess so blatantly killed :P