
What ship do you fly most/least (pick one for each)?

Pyramidion (most)
16 (12.2%)
Goldfish (most)
11 (8.4%)
Junker (most)
13 (9.9%)
Galleon (most)
8 (6.1%)
Spire (most)
2 (1.5%)
Squid (most)
12 (9.2%)
Mobula (most)
5 (3.8%)
Pyramidion (least)
8 (6.1%)
Goldfish (least)
4 (3.1%)
Junker (least)
5 (3.8%)
Galleon (least)
9 (6.9%)
Spire (least)
8 (6.1%)
Squid (least)
8 (6.1%)
Mobula (least)
22 (16.8%)

Total Members Voted: 67

Author Topic: Question for Pilots  (Read 57113 times)

Offline Orangey

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #60 on: November 15, 2013, 08:28:24 am »
Well, especially with the last spire update... I see no use for the Mobula anymore

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #61 on: November 15, 2013, 10:24:55 am »
They do have overlapping roles now but they fly and take damage very differently.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2013, 01:03:42 pm »
Well, especially with the last spire update... I see no use for the Mobula anymore

I highly disagree. The Mobula still has superior vertical manoeuvrability, as well as being a bit tankier than the Spire (I think at least).

Offline Orangey

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2013, 02:08:05 pm »
Well, especially with the last spire update... I see no use for the Mobula anymore

I highly disagree. The Mobula still has superior vertical manoeuvrability, as well as being a bit tankier than the Spire (I think at least).

Well, both ships have 1150 health points (spire 400 armour,750 hull. Mobula 550 armour, 600 hull). The spire turns faster for attacks in the back and is way easier to crew (multiple crewmembers can reach the hull and balloon), the pilot can even take a gun when engineers are tanking which can be a real life saver. Not even to mention the addition of the heavy gun. With the recent updates the spire really is a danger to all, aswell long as close range.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2013, 02:32:28 pm »
Well, both ships have 1150 health points (spire 400 armour,750 hull. Mobula 550 armour, 600 hull). The spire turns faster for attacks in the back and is way easier to crew (multiple crewmembers can reach the hull and balloon), the pilot can even take a gun when engineers are tanking which can be a real life saver. Not even to mention the addition of the heavy gun. With the recent updates the spire really is a danger to all, aswell long as close range.

First off, Mobula has 600 armour and 700 hull. But either way "health points" are a terrible way to determine a ship's resistance to damage. Both ships are glass cannons, so you want to keep your main engineer's focus on gunning more so than you would on most ships. This is where Muse kind of went wrong with reducing the Spire's armour. It gives high durability by means of a quick hull rebuild, yes, but it's a high-commitment position. The Mobula, on the other hand, has pretty decent armour, and requires less commitment to repairs from the main engi. As a result, the Mobula will spend more time firing three guns than the Spire. That's not the only way in which the Spire loses out from a repairs perspective. It also has a really inconvenient balloon position that drags away either you main gunner (or gungi) or your top deck gungineer. Moreover, the ship itself is an enormous target, whereas the Mobula has the tiniest front hull area of any ship. In addition, the Spire's main gun is much easier to shoot out than any of the Mobula's guns.

That's without even getting to the Mobula's greater versatility (can run long and close), greater number of trifecta options, superior vertical movement...

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #65 on: November 15, 2013, 02:35:16 pm »
What he said.

Offline Orangey

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #66 on: November 15, 2013, 02:53:14 pm »
the armour hull health i got from the wiki, so that might need to get updated. Still in my oppinoin spire is way better then the mobula, the mobula is when youre above it a most generous landing platform for all kinds of weaponry. And like I stated, the pilot can also shoot a gun when the 1 or 2 engineers are repairing. I almost always buff my balloon so it can take a few hits before 1 of the engies need to drop to bottom deck. Also the verry wide hull of the Mobula makes it hard to fly in tight spaces. And on the repairing aspect i do dissagree, its a huge advantage that mulpitle crewmembers (including the pilot) can repair the hull or balloon, a well trained crew can decide on the spot who is going for the repairs of a specific component.

Ofcourse there are pro's and con's to both, depends on loadouts and if the captain can fly it. Overall the Spire is way ahead the Mobula for me.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2013, 03:16:41 pm »
the armour hull health i got from the wiki, so that might need to get updated.

I agree.

when youre above it a most generous landing platform for all kinds of weaponry.

Sure, but when you're far away from it it's a really hard target to hit (hull-wise, not balloon wise). The Spire on the other hand is a massive target (that goes for both its hull and balloon) whether you're far away or close up. The issue of being easy to hit applies much, much more to the Spire.

And like I stated, the pilot can also shoot a gun when the 1 or 2 engineers are repairing.

That is one of the Spire's advantages, yes.

I almost always buff my balloon so it can take a few hits before 1 of the engies need to drop to bottom deck.

That helps in a comparison vs. a Spire with no balloon buff, but not in a comparison vs. the Mobula. Regardless of what tricks you use and what you do to your balloon, the Mob's balloon is easier to access and takes away less from your firepower.

Also the verry wide hull of the Mobula makes it hard to fly in tight spaces.

Just as the Spire's very tall hull makes it a nightmare to navigate vertically (despite its high vertical acceleration), and more of a ramming target (larger space to be hit, whereas the Mob is fairly flat, which adds

to its vertical dodging
And on the repairing aspect i do dissagree, its a huge advantage that mulpitle crewmembers (including the pilot) can repair the hull or balloon, a well trained crew can decide on the spot who is going for the repairs of a specific component.

If you're putting two people on the balloon, you're pulling two crew off their guns and positioning them relatively far away from said guns. I don't see it as being much help. Once again, firepower over repairs.

Ofcourse there are pro's and con's to both, depends on loadouts and if the captain can fly it. Overall the Spire is way ahead the Mobula for me.

I think that there's a really big misconception with regards to these two ships. Being glass cannons does not mean that they fill the same role. They're too different for a truly fair comparison to he made.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #68 on: November 15, 2013, 03:53:46 pm »
Mobula's aren't nearly as squishy as people like to indicate.

It's just that very few crews are coordinated enough to keep the hull buffed as well as timing the perfect mallet hit on the hull during a guns reload in the middle of the fight. 

It's a difficult ship that most people don't bother to take the time to learn, but the ability to have three guns shooting no matter what is a pretty noteworthy ability.  Just get in one mallet hit on the hull and drogue chute your broken balloon, either they die or you do, but with superior firepower, it's usually the former.

Offline Subarco

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #69 on: November 18, 2013, 03:24:20 pm »
Just my two cents here. In regards to sniping wars between the two ships, I win far more as a Mobula against a Spire than vice versa. The advantage, I suspect, is something others have pointed, and that is the Spire is a more lovely target to shoot at than the Mobula, thanks to the Spire's large hull frame. Another advantage is superior vertical dodging for the Mobula, which is something the Spire cannot do, again thanks to its tall vertical shape.

The one advantage for the Spire is having a medium gun slot, but it takes a good gunner to use either the Lumberjack or the Flak at extreme ranges. If we're talking about Artemis disables, the Mobula can outdo the Spire in this respect. And medium guns take much longer to repair than light guns do.

Offline Jazzza

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Re: Question for Pilots
« Reply #70 on: December 16, 2013, 04:02:02 am »
I used to fly the Goldfish consistently but since trying the Pyramidion with the 2 front guns, it's my favourite.

I fly the Squid/Galleon the least. Squid is too weak and not my style, Galleon too slow and also not my style.