Author Topic: Suggestion on post Rumble chat  (Read 9324 times)

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Suggestion on post Rumble chat
« on: September 17, 2013, 05:30:38 am »
So I want to start off by saying you guys are doing an AWESOME job on the Rumble!  I love how you are running it AND how you are streaming it!  with that being said I have always been taught that when something is going well dont sit back on your heels but instead you should always be looking to make it even better.  with that in mind i had one suggestion.

I love sports! i love almost every single form of athletic endeavor, from american football to cricket, from hand ball to ping pong i love it!  because of this i watch ESPN constantly to get all the highlights and interviews from the day's competitions.  When i watch an ESPN anchor interviewing the Manchester united coach about his match with Chelsea that i horrendously had to work through i am at least somewhat comforted by the fact that i get to hear someone who was actually involved with the game talk me through the highlights.

so i know loading up the video in real time is somewhat unrealistic i wonder if there is an outside the box way using post interview editing that we could mimic the same effect that ESPN employs.  Here is my idea:

   we do the chats as normal no change whatsoever except that when brick asks a captain about a certain event in a match he references the time stamp in the video; for instance, "maverick at the 1 hour and 42nd minute mark of the stream you found yourself at the mercy of cake why did this happen?"  i would then on my own computer be able to jump to the part of the stream and jog my memory and answer the question with specifics.  now after the whole chat is over and done being recorded all urz would have to do is overlay the video clip that brick mentions overtop of everything and the audience member who may not have even seen the match now will see the highlight and be clued into what the convo is all about.

i know this will take some more effort but i think adding this multimedia dimension would make the chats a whole lot more entertaining and popular.

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Re: Suggestion on post Rumble chat
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 05:05:29 pm »
While the idea behind it is solid, the problem is pinpointing locations for specific points behind that takes a while to find, and considering the community chats are generally right after the rumble finishes, there isn't much time to find those specific markers. In addition, twitch vods are... well, flaky at best, and I think it takes Urz usually until at least the next day to chop up the local recordings and put them on youtube, so those wouldn't be available to draw from either. Sports channels have personnel they pay specifically to find and cut to things like this, something we don't really have the luxury off, especially if it's for the chats that are right after the tournament ends.

I don't disagree, it would be nice to have something like it, but in a more practical sense it's not really achievable. I'm not going to say it can't be done, nor do I know what Urz would think about it, it's just what I know from my broadcasting experience.

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Suggestion on post Rumble chat
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 05:41:58 pm »
in my opinion it would be worth holding off on the community chat an hour to make it happen and then worth a subsequent day to release it.  but again you guys are doing an awesome job and don't "need" to change anything...

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Suggestion on post Rumble chat
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 05:43:32 pm »
also one idea garou had was what if you called up one of the captains immediately after each of one of the best of three matches ended and giving a quick 1-3 question interview while the lobby gets reset a la sideline interviews