I couldn't find any similar thread on the forum --- and even if there had ever been one, it certainly wasn't as fashionable as this one, 'cause I wasn't in it [annoying diva mode disabled on majority request] --- so I thought I would start this topic where people can show off their favourite or most gladly worn costume pieces or combinations. So what do you guys parade in when it comes to immobilizing enemies with glamour and style or when you know that the next stage of your longest-ever winning streak might just depend on your lucky Prada goggles?
My clanmates keep joking about how I tend to ask them to make screenshots of me during matches (WHY CAN'T WE ALWAYS SEE OURSELVES FROM THE FRONT IN-MATCH, WHY OH WHY?) because costumes have always been my favourite fascinations in any game I have ever played. I don't often get high-level enough to gain all the fancy epic stuff in games, but I usually try to invent a unique look for myself and I just love combining pieces and coming up with variations that maybe not even the concept artists themselves have thought of before.
So what about you fellow costume freaks? Which is your favourite pick? Have you got some rare or epic treasures perhaps? Show off! Have they got a story? Tell it! Is there a costume combo you'd love to obtain, but you still need to beat the devs a million times to get it? Let us know so that we can steal it and copy it later, muhahaha! Uhm..I mean...so that we can follow you on your unbelievably elegant path... Here are my favourite combos:

On the left: my currently favourite gunner outfit. I replaced an old outfit combo when I realized how funny and weird the white hair looked with this one, and I just loved it. One of my clanmates pointed out that I look like Lady Gaga.
In the middle: My most commonly used engineer outfit, although I have many others that I like to switch to depending on my mood. I especially love the top hat.
On the right: My "mad captain" costume. If you've ever flown with me, you probably know very well what I mean by the mad captain part. When I go captain, I usually go crazy. (RAMMING HARPOON SQUIIID YEAHHH!!!) I tend to lose matches as a captain, for some weird and inexplicable reason, but I have so much fun doing so. So should you see me in this costume when a match loads, it probably means you've chosen the wrong ship. Muhahaha...khmm...so I use that one rarely in order not to turn half of the community against me, but I do look good in it when we die.
That's it for me now, what about you all?