Author Topic: Lobby for competitive play  (Read 9228 times)

Offline evodoc

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Lobby for competitive play
« on: August 25, 2013, 10:33:35 am »

I've been thinking of several features for competitive matches which could help to run those games.
These ideas may not necessarily be groundbreaking world exclusive ones, but based on what I've seen in other games and such. So a competitive lobby with the options of:
- Set to enable/disable friendly fire, because why not? If you play competitive you should know which one is the enemy ship.
- A referee: now this one would be the huge deal. Referee would be a special slot in spectators with a set of rights. Rights like: change the map and game mode, start the map instead of waiting for countdown, restart map, pause/unpause the game, kicking unwanted players (like AFK spectators),  putting on/changing lobby password, "muting" spectator chat, ??.

What do you think?

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Lobby for competitive play
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2013, 10:52:02 am »
I would love to see that happen. One addition I'd make would be allow the ref switch the sides (like when one team wins a coin toss for red spawn), which would be way quicker than everybody switching around manually.

Offline Mr. Ace Rimmer

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Re: Lobby for competitive play
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2013, 11:16:32 am »

I've been thinking of several features for competitive matches which could help to run those games.
These ideas may not necessarily be groundbreaking world exclusive ones, but based on what I've seen in other games and such. So a competitive lobby with the options of:
- Set to enable/disable friendly fire, because why not? If you play competitive you should know which one is the enemy ship.
- A referee: now this one would be the huge deal. Referee would be a special slot in spectators with a set of rights. Rights like: change the map and game mode, start the map instead of waiting for countdown, restart map, pause/unpause the game, kicking unwanted players (like AFK spectators),  putting on/changing lobby password, "muting" spectator chat, ??.

What do you think?

I like these ideas, they have a lot of merit. I know in the Sunday Rumble best of 3's it's been a royal pain when the map we require hasn't appeared so we need to create a new lobby.

Offline Brick Hardcastle

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Re: Lobby for competitive play
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2013, 01:14:44 pm »

I've been thinking of several features for competitive matches which could help to run those games.
These ideas may not necessarily be groundbreaking world exclusive ones, but based on what I've seen in other games and such. So a competitive lobby with the options of:
- Set to enable/disable friendly fire, because why not? If you play competitive you should know which one is the enemy ship.
- A referee: now this one would be the huge deal. Referee would be a special slot in spectators with a set of rights. Rights like: change the map and game mode, start the map instead of waiting for countdown, restart map, pause/unpause the game, kicking unwanted players (like AFK spectators),  putting on/changing lobby password, "muting" spectator chat, ??.

What do you think?

I like these ideas, they have a lot of merit. I know in the Sunday Rumble best of 3's it's been a royal pain when the map we require hasn't appeared so we need to create a new lobby.

A quick fix for that, for now, would be to extend the "voting for new map" timer a bit. Maybe some sort of prompt to remind people to vote as well. I am so sick of it defaulting to Dunes for the 100th time before anyone has the chance to vote for anything else.  GOI isn't the sort of game where you start the next match ten seconds after one has just finished, anyway.

Offline Eukari

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Re: Lobby for competitive play
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2013, 03:16:30 pm »
GOI isn't the sort of game where you start the next match ten seconds after one has just finished, anyway.

More like 10 minutes, if you're lucky.

For the maps, I think it might be useful to have a "None of the above" option, for when none of the maps are the right ones. Selecting it will get you three new maps to choose from, but you can only do it once. I also agree about extending the voting time- I'd lay money that only three or four people ever vote in the lobbies I've been in, because people don't realize how fast it is.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Lobby for competitive play
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2013, 04:09:56 pm »
I think it might be useful to have a "None of the above" option, for when none of the maps are the right ones. Selecting it will get you three new maps to choose from, but you can only do it once.

This please ^