Author Topic: My 5 Cent's On What should be added  (Read 10957 times)

Offline Justmatel

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My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:48:49 pm »
hey guys,

Well i bought the game a little while ago (4 pack) for my friends and I and we freaking love the game.

With this said i still think a few things should be considered allow me to list them and give an idea why?

- First off lets start with PING, As an Australian player i find it extremely difficult to play on 260+ Ping. Its hard to steer/repair/shoot. I understand AUS servers aren't easy nor cheap to come by but i thought this wouldn't happen unless a way larger aus player base joined the game. Then i thought why not try adding a LAN feature? I read the FAQ but Im still throwing it in or even better give us the ability to host our own servers. This would remove the need for aus based servers from you. this here would allow me to email a few hosts down here and ask if they would run the server so i can buy one and run a completely awesome aus server. This would really help in allowing you guys to reach a larger player not just in Australia but all over the world.

- Larger Crew Size. Ive read most the topics on the forums and asked people around but sometimes i feel like 4 is too limited well at least in SOME cases. EG. Allowing us to decide when we host a game what we would want per team (5-6 people to a team) With this said, I noticed how it could be hard to play when they have people spamming repair or all weapons are armed and ready so i thought about suggesting a new game mode, where only "larger" ships could be used thus would result in higher crew cap. Personally i would love to see more crew members to a team mainly because I've got 12 people who just wanna fit in one ship haha, but with a cap of 6 it allows more friends, More fun , more destroying , more repairing, more of everything! 

- Need help? Allow people to create and submit maps, give them certain rules or codes to follow while doing so but if this was possible I'm sure a lot of people would jump at the chance to be apart of the map designing stages, Giving them the ability to make maps which i would assume would be better if they were submitted to you instead of players just hosting their own map games but giving you the chance to review a players creation would help you guys maybe?

I know the game hasn't been flying out very long but i've noticed when devs take in what players suggest it actually helps the overall game, these here are my ideas to improve on a great game and i understand how this has been around the block already but whats the harm in just posting it up for all to read.

I wish the game ALL the best as I won't stop playing it regardless. Hopefully I'll stick around the forums as well and get to know everyone!

Thanks Guys,


Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 10:22:55 pm »
All right, so here are my responses to that.

For Aussie servers, I'm not the best placed to from an opinion, being in Canada. But Muse have mentioned LAN in the past, I'm not sure if they're still going to implement it. The Aussie player base seems decently sized, so I think the idea could gain some good support.

Since you say you have read most of the topics here, you've probably read the one about crew size. Four is the perfect size. The ships were designed for four players. You couldn't make five or six work on a current ship, you'd need entirely new ones meant for that number of players. If you have trouble with four players, then you should look at how you're allotting the roles on the ship. And if you have twelve players that want to play... Well... There are other ships for a reason.

Finally, Muse plans to implement the game into the Steam Workshop. I'm not sure if this'll lead to player-created maps, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Offline Justmatel

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 01:54:23 am »
Yeah, they mentioned LAN and id love to see it put it.

yeah I read how its a perfect size, but what if new ships were made that suits a larger crew? ATM 4 crew is good but because of lag its difficult nevertheless its a good crew size.

Oh , I didn't see they wanted to implement Steam Workshop , I'll keep my eyes out for it. Id like to see a few more things implemented but Ill wait and see what happens.

 The current dev team is amazing though just wanted to say You guys are doing a great job. 

Offline Jazzza

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 06:16:11 am »
So you're Australian are you?

The Oceania servers are fine. There are some lag spikes, but it's perfectly playable. Sometimes we even get people from other continents playing with us, which is bizarre considering where the server is (probably) located.

Offline Justmatel

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2013, 07:51:51 am »
Oceania servers are fine but not if youre living in Australia. 250+ ping Isnt really fun when the ship freezes every so often same with the weapons, For it to be good it needs to be at 120~ 100~ even.

Offline Jazzza

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2013, 07:55:02 am »
Oceania servers are fine but not if youre living in Australia. 250+ ping Isnt really fun when the ship freezes every so often same with the weapons, For it to be good it needs to be at 120~ 100~ even.

What servers are you playing on and are you sure it's not your connection? I get near perfect gameplay on Oceania servers with only minor lag spikes here and there. I haven't checked the actual ping, but I'd dare say they'd be around 100.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2013, 09:57:50 am »
MUSE statement about player-run dedicated servers half a year ago:
It is unlikely that we will release the server software for players to run themselves any time in the near future.

Though I think it could benefit the game

Offline Jazzza

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Re: My 5 Cent's On What should be added
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2013, 07:18:06 pm »
Apparently the game's engine doesn't support it or something.