Author Topic: In-Game Map Distance Scale  (Read 12205 times)

Offline Captain Magellan

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In-Game Map Distance Scale
« on: September 01, 2013, 02:45:24 pm »
It would be a GREAT help (and probably really easy to put in) to put distance scales on the in-game maps telling you how many meters each square is. Maybe even going a little deeper and counting more minutely; that way you can see where every 250 meters are. This would be a great help to gunners and pilots. It would become customary for spotters (after spotting) to then check their maps and call out the range to the captain. This would allow him the ability to make a lot of decisions easier (the more data the better! :D ) and not only add to the feel of the game. It's cool to call out "Pyramidion class two points off the starboard bow, high!" But imagine if you could even add "150 meters distance, sir!" <EPIC

EDIT: After awhile, more advanced players would then begin to recognize distances and be able to instantly know them without checking their maps! How cool would that be?!

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2013, 03:03:18 pm »
"Squid, 3 degrees north by northwest high!"


"2 klicks out, sir, but closing fast!"

I love it.

This could also really help aspiring gunners master that pesky projectile drop on those longer-ranged weapons.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 03:20:02 pm »
As a god awful Lumberjack shot, I very much like the idea of being able to check distances and remember the appropriate level of compensation.

Offline evodoc

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2013, 03:35:50 pm »
How about showing the distance of the just spotted ship next to the ship's name for a few seconds? You know, as part of the spotting function:
And "respotting" would update that.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 03:10:25 am »
I've been wanting this feature for so long.  It's already come up as part of several other forum threads and I'm really hoping the devs are considering it. 

As for adding it to the spotting tool; I think it might make that tool a bit too useful.  For something with enough utility to add exact distances to your hud I think it would have to be a function of a separate pilots tool rather than being added to the spotting glass.

Offline Thaago

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 10:23:46 am »
How about if the distance only showed up when looking through the spotting tool? A pilot or person on a gun might call out that they need the range and an engineer could check :).

Offline Captain Magellan

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 09:03:25 pm »
I like the idea of the spotting tool change. But I've always hated the fact that the spotting tool is a pilot's tool. For a pilot to take it is just foolish, but it's just so darn cool and adds a lot of feel to the game.

Offline Cheeseycom

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 09:48:10 am »
Wow it's tough to choose between each idea, they're both pretty good..

I think ultimately I would have to lean towards the 'rangefinder' spotting tool idea though, as it encourages teamwork slightly more than the map idea - if only because it actually requires another member of the crew to be standing with their spyglass out and relaying the information to the others, whereas the map is available to everyone no matter what they're doing, so people would likely just check it for themselves.
Although since the map would provide a scale rather than the exact distance of the target, it would take more time to work out than the spyglass, so the spyglass would be more convenient and easier to use in battle (assuming the crew member using it didn't already have their hands full with their normal duties).

If that seems like it might be making things a bit too easy though, you could always outfit the spyglass for stadiametric rangefinding rather than just giving an exact readout of the distance, forcing the user to work out the distance for themselves.
The only problem with this is that it's generally used to find the distance of something whose dimensions are known (e.g. for a sniper to gauge the distance of a human target), but the various ships are wildly different in size.. Still, it might add an extra level of challenge, for people who like to do everything on hard mode.

Alternatively the rangefinding scale could adjust itself according to the ship that's been spotted. This would require the person checking the range to focus on the ship for several seconds to make the adjustment before they could use it to check the range.
Or if we want to keep things a bit more plausible (rather than including magically self-adjusting lenses), the spyglass could come complete with a set of lenses, one for each ship type, which the player would then flip through to find the one with appropriate scale. If this were to be included, the rangefinding spyglass could be included as its own distinct item separate from the regular spyglass, which would have the different set of marked lenses, but would be unable to zoom in.

The 'spotting' ability could also be different - instead of permanently marking the target, it could temporarily add the target distance onto the enemy ship (visible to the entire crew), which would fade away after a few seconds. This would only happen if the player clicked when the enemy ship was located in the correct position on the rangefinding scale, and would only be a very general number (in 10 meter intervals for example) rather than a specific distance. It would need to have some kind of cooldown to avoid people spamming the ability constantly.

Offline Rainer Zu Fall

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Re: In-Game Map Distance Scale
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2013, 12:42:58 pm »
I like the idea of the spotting tool change. But I've always hated the fact that the spotting tool is a pilot's tool. For a pilot to take it is just foolish, but it's just so darn cool and adds a lot of feel to the game.

Since someone of each class can only bring one tool of the other two classes, it would be silly to bring some other pilot tool than the spyglass as engineer/gunner. Thus it's a pilot tool.

On the thread: I think it would be really cool to have a kind of partial grid when using spyglass on one of the sides to measure distances.