Author Topic: FNG Engineer looking for a crew!  (Read 7942 times)

Offline belt

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FNG Engineer looking for a crew!
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:01:54 pm »
Hi folks,

I'm belt and I just picked this game up on a whim and I'm really enjoying it a ton.  I love the team aspect but unfortunately every game I join ends up with my crew leaving and me driving a group of bots around (maybe I smell bad?).  I'd like to join an active group of people that don't mind that I'm pretty awful and a complete newbie.

I think Engineer will be my class of choice and I'm CST time zone and typically play anytime on the weekends and anywhere between the hours of 5-10 CST on the weekdays.  I'm mic'd up and try not to take myself or anything else too seriously.


Offline Elhazzared

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Re: FNG Engineer looking for a crew!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 05:32:40 pm »
If you see me around in the game feel free to join me. Usually my problem is lack of engineers becuase everyone wants to be a gunner (Well I suppose I'm one so I can't complain that much). A ship usually works well when the crew knows what to do and some people sometimes just can't be assed with doing what other request them to. Earlier today I kept asking people not to take the gunner's main gun cause they didn't had the loadout or knew the strategy used by the ship, I asked people to prioritise engine repairs and well. Despite still winning most of the games it was a bit stressful with people not wanting to do some teamplay in a game that you either do it or you lose.

So again, if you see me in game then join me up for a game. usually I play with a friend who is the pilot and if I can get an engineer who can prioritise what needs repairing and make sure the ship is operational, we'll archieve victory and have you learn the ropes meanwhile. ;)

Offline TracyJackson

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Re: FNG Engineer looking for a crew!
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 08:12:57 pm »
I would think The Art of Warfare would be a nice place to fit in. We're casual and do have folks who can team with you if you need a crew or just folks to play a match with. We know people have a life outside gaming and that gaming is just a hobby and something we do for fun, so we are not the "hardcore" clan that others might lean toward. The GI unit is small but growing, so a leadership spot could be open. We'd love to have you on board !

We use Teamspeak, just so communication can be organized and easier to yeah a mic would be highly recommended here. I currently is in CST, so I have a good feeling about what time people are you won't suddenly get a game invite at midnight :D. All we ask is for potentials to be fairly active, be mature, and use the TS. Now, we know a few words might be said in the heat of games, but ya know, just fairly friendly.

Clan Name: The Art of Warfare (we're a global community with 2400 active players in 15+ games, founded 2001)
Regions supported: Oceanic, NA, Europe
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 08:15:09 pm by TracyJackson »