Hello, everycake reading this^^
First off, this isn't an apply... yet. (Lack of internetspeed and necessity to study keep me from playing GoIo, right now)
This is just me expressing my hype about the Cake Clan ;X
I got hyped about GoIo again, and since I couldn't play I decided to read around in the GoIo forum, and boy, do you cakes come around. Initially I just wanted to find that quotes thread in the pit (which I saw years ago, didn't find it again), but came across a couple of funny threads, and more specificly funny posts, of which many were made by cake. For example, how you defended the word fire from being banned in the haiku thread XD
I've read through the whole Cake thread now (not in chronological order), and you guys and gals are absolutely awesome^^
I love the humor of everyone! (Can provide examples, as I save quotes, which make me laugh)
The opening post alone had me already most interested in this clan, the fun above all phillosophy is something I not only can stand behind, I also find it my goal to find fun even in the receiving end of a curbstomb, which happened and in which I found fun in. Attempting the impossible when everyone else is giving up is awesome (succeeding more so) and also cake, everyone loves cake, if not eating, than at least baking.
Your "Fly with us to join us" attitude reminds me very much of air gear, when the main character declined an Army, because he never rode with them, needless to say, I find that awesome!
Not any less awesome (or weird) is how you don't look down upon stalking, you even encourage it, that among other things shows how crazy (fun) you are XD
I may not have an oven, but I fully intent on becoming a cake, maybe not now, maybe not even this year, but one day I will be able to play, and on that day, I will hunt you down (in a friendly [fire] way) and apply to become a cake, so I hope you look forward to it and keep the clan goind until then, wouldn't be too fun joining a clan just to proclaim "I am Legend!".^^
Kind Regards,
I totally forgot my ingame name
PS: I didn't talk too much about fire, because I didn't want to write twice or three times as much ;X