Author Topic: New Concepts for Muse  (Read 6571 times)

Offline Byron Cavendish

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New Concepts for Muse
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:10:32 am »
So I thought we could put together our suggestions all in one place for new ships, guns, and tools. I'll start with my first idea.

A pilot tool, called a "Cloud Dispenser". The theory is it acts sort of like tar barrel, but it creates a cloud surrounding the ship like those you hide in. The drawback could be reduced engine speed or turning, or maybe disables all guns. This tool could help the squishier ships like the squid, or spire, be able to close in on or ambush ships in more open maps, where they can usually be picked off before contributing anything.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: New Concepts for Muse
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 02:46:31 am »
Thats nice and all till people see a lone cloud moving towards them. Then its..."AHHH CLOUD!!! KILL IT!!! KILLL IITTTTTTTT!!!!"

Now if those open maps had moving clouds crossing it then it would work. But that would then mean they would need wind and extra rendering for the clouds.

Squids used to be fine on open maps before 1.2. Before Muse nerfed them to hell. Without their old speed and agility it requires a heavy strain on the pilot and crew to fight in an open battle. Against 2 ships it isn't doable, but against 1 you can do it. Ideally that is what they need, a return to 1.1. When Squids return to 1.1, you'll see this boring meta turned on it's head by the few pilots who master it. Which is fine by me. Squids should never become a general purpose ship. It should be an advanced ship with the highest risk for reward tradeoff in the game.