Before I was a duck, my ship names were mostly cat themed:
Squid - Kittipus
I thought it was a cute name for a small and cute ship.
Goldfish - The CatFish
I thought it was clever at the time.
Junker - KittyHawk
KittyHawk was an old shadowrun character that I loved. Used dual warhawk magnums and was a cat girl, thus KittyHawk.
Pyramidion - Seductive Kitty
Another nod to KittyHawk. She had an RV turned mobile base called the Seductive Kitty, which itself derived from her specialization in the seduction skill.
Galleon - The Fat Cat
It was big and clumbersome, like a overfed cat.
After I joined the ducks, my names changed a bit to have both duck and cat themes at the same time.
Squid - Duckbilled Kittipus
Kittipus, now with a duckbill.
Goldfish - The Waddling KatFish
I never fly it, so haven't given much thought to it.
Junker - The Fowl Cat
Originally was going to be The Foul Cat, but then I thought to make it a duck pun. Sounds like a tavern name actually. Maybe my junker is carrying booze?
Pyramidion - Seducktive Kitty
Was the 'Duck-Seductive Kitty' for a long time, but another duck suggested the current pun name. Worked for me so now it is so.
Galleon - The Fat Cat-Breaded Duck
Continuing the overfed animal theme, The Fat Cat now has a overly breaded duck as well.
Spire - Tinfoil Duck
I never fly it, but I thought the name was appropriate.
Mobula - Roasted Duck
I put 3 carosels and 2 mortars on it usually, so you'd think it would be the Roasting Duck or something. However, during one of my first times out with it, every part caught fire, but I told my crew to just keep firing. We killed our target, but every single part of the ship was broken. Thus it became the Roasted Duck.