THIS IS NOT THE TOURNAMENT THREAD!!!As many of you may or may not know there is a tournament called Baptism by Spire coming up. AlexIsNotOnFire and I are going to be hosting open practice lobbies for this tournament everyday until It's over at at 9pm BST or 4pm EST.
Lobby rules are simple, YOU MUST BE A SPIRE!!!!! That is it. As for the gun rules mentioned in the tournament thread you don't have to follow them. However we are making you abide by 1 gun rule. You and your ally may not use the same heavy gun (mainly to prevent pure sniping).
As for maps we are hopefully always going to be using the 3 maps that are going to be in the tournament itself which are Paritan Rumble, Labyrinth, and Duel at Dawn.
You do not have to be part of any clan or even entering to play in these practice games. If you are interested in competing but don't have anyone to play with I do suggest coming to these practices and simply talk to people about forming/ joining a team.
If you have any questions you can email me at or simply message me on here.
The following link will lead you to the original tread about the tournament.,1596.0.htmlQwerty2jam has done a live stream of one of these practices. You can view it here. follow me on twitter for screenshots from the practices and other GOI games @BrianJMonster