alright, a bit of information.
this tournament might be dm exclusive, its the first 3v3 so I want to do what people want most.
If the tourney is a success, i definately want to do a cp tourney.
there will be no pre match loadout, You are all adults and will be forced ingame if you do not ready up

There will be a recruitment thread for shuffle / mercenary teams. I know my own team will make use of this since I cannot attend and mattilald also will be helping me do this.
at the moment I am thinking of setting a team limit to 8 teams total, that being 8*12 players = 96 players. which would probaly exhaust the competitive player base we have.
a tournament of 6-8 teams could be done in 1 day. - i want to avoid spreading this tournament out on diffrent dates, since its a big commitment foreverybody, who will also be playing cogs etc. to use both saturday and friday/sunday for 2-4 weeks time.
A special rule will be introduced when the sign up starts, which is scheduled for a deadline by end of next week.
The reason being that lord dick tim is working on something that will be used as a background story for the tournament. I also need to have a prize deal with muse made, we only talked about what could be done, but never found an agreeement yet because of them beeing at e3.
hope that clarified some of the questions you might have had.