Author Topic: Behemoths of WWI  (Read 17451 times)

Offline AldenIOE

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Behemoths of WWI
« on: February 23, 2013, 08:07:09 pm »
So back a long time before Gabriel and the Icarus came into existance, there were massive airships, that dwarfed what is in GoI now. This may go along with my other idea of warship 1v1, but You don't need to pay attention to it. Just consider it, and think about it. Back to the past mode, or something similar. I know that you aren't the best on money, but if you put it on kickstarter, i'll back it, and others will to. After all, how couldn't they, after such a game like this one?

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 08:19:21 pm »
I you carefully inspect existing ships, you'll notice the wepon categories are lighe and medium. No heavy weapons.
From what I understand or have heard (it might be just rummonrs, I'm sure someone will correct me on that), heavy weapons are planed to come with a massive airsip called Dreadnought. But they cant quite add them yet, since the current maps just aren't lage and spacious enough. The crew limmit is probably not going to change drastically.
There are big plans for this game, not just the pvp now implemented (despite it being a lot of fun).

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 09:45:08 pm »
I you carefully inspect existing ships, you'll notice the wepon categories are lighe and medium. No heavy weapons.
From what I understand or have heard (it might be just rummonrs, I'm sure someone will correct me on that), heavy weapons are planed to come with a massive airsip called Dreadnought. But they cant quite add them yet, since the current maps just aren't lage and spacious enough. The crew limmit is probably not going to change drastically.
There are big plans for this game, not just the pvp now implemented (despite it being a lot of fun).

You said that somebody would correct you. Looks like I'm going to be that guy.

I'm not sure about where you may have heard such things, but you may have mistaken a suggestion for an actual solid fact. The dreadnought exists, yes, but it's not flyable, nor has Muse indicated that it will become so. It's that huge wreck on the dunes. There's a whole backstory behind it.

Also, Muse originally planned to have three gun classes, but they seem to have dropped the idea (and by "seem", I mean that they've said so). And actually, if you look at the current guns, there's light and heavy. You've got the Manticore Heavy Hwacha, the Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade, etc. Whenever somebody calls them "medium" they're just using the archaic term from beta. Sort of like when people call mercs "howitzers" or rocket launchers "missile slings".

Anyways, I hope that clears a few things up.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 09:46:44 pm by N-Sunderland »

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 04:36:11 am »
To be quite honest I don't know where I've head this.

I'd wage they haven't completely dropped idea of 3 classes (but it's rather low on the priority list) - I definetively hope so, even if they implement it only in the adventure mode.

Thanks for the update n' stuff.

On the topic of names: Artemish was oficcialy called a sling this last month, when I first started playing. You forgot to mention Lumberjack Heavy Mortar :P. I think there has been some renaming lately. Altho when you go select front weapon on the Goldfish it still says "Available Medium Guns" oll of witch have Heavy in the name nowdays.

Offline Pickle

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 06:23:08 am »
So back a long time before Gabriel and the Icarus came into existance, there were massive airships, that dwarfed what is in GoI now. This may go along with my other idea of warship 1v1, but You don't need to pay attention to it. Just consider it, and think about it. Back to the past mode, or something similar. I know that you aren't the best on money, but if you put it on kickstarter, i'll back it, and others will to. After all, how couldn't they, after such a game like this one?

OK... the reason the WW1 airships are larger than those in GOI is because the developers have taken artistic liberties with the physics of LTA flight.  If you compare the gondola size to the size of the balloon you'd see that with real-world physics the GOI airships would be larger than the largest WW1 airship - the Galleon in particular.

WW1 airships carried a few tonnes of bombs for raiding cities, but were generally lightly armed for self-defence with machine guns.  Everything on an airship is about weight reduction.

GOI takes huge liberties to maintain the aesthetic, but there's a method to it that keeps the action fast and, for the most part, tha battles mobile and moving across the map.  Not slugfests at long range.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2013, 08:05:01 am »
To be quite honest I don't know where I've head this.

I'd wage they haven't completely dropped idea of 3 classes (but it's rather low on the priority list) - I definetively hope so, even if they implement it only in the adventure mode.

Thanks for the update n' stuff.

On the topic of names: Artemish was oficcialy called a sling this last month, when I first started playing. You forgot to mention Lumberjack Heavy Mortar :P. I think there has been some renaming lately. Altho when you go select front weapon on the Goldfish it still says "Available Medium Guns" oll of witch have Heavy in the name nowdays.

Just make sure you don't get your hopes up about a new gun class.

I'd imagine that it saying "Available Medium Guns" is just a little detail that Muse forgot to correct.

Offline Swallox

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2013, 08:01:02 am »
Actually, Matt's right. They haven't dropped the Heavy weapons... But what with the whole "Massive influx of people broke the game" thing, it's not really a priority.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Behemoths of WWI
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2013, 04:11:07 pm »
There was some discussion on the old forums about the Mystery Ship on the Refinery map. One of the Muse artists chimed in that the ship was a left over art asset from a time Muse was experimenting over the aesthetic and size of the playable ships.  Muse could work in some of their old ideas and ship designs into future versions of the game, but they have made no indication that they are going to.

It is always fun to speculate  ;)