Author Topic: Ship Customization: EXPANDED  (Read 27781 times)

Offline Jazzza

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2013, 05:40:41 am »
Customizable flags to fly on our ship (This can be an Armada or Guild flag if we ever get those or a Freelance flag)

I completely agree with this. Even if it's just like the editor/creators used in games such as Halo or CoD, it'd be a nice touch and give our ships a personalised feel.

Offline Tim the Enchanter

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2013, 01:47:02 pm »
The Shipyard Idea

The Shipyard will be the place for all Captains to take their ships to customize them cosmetically.

You will have the ability to:

1. Customize a flag with a unique emblem and color(s)
     - The emblem editor could be bunch of shapes that you can mold to make your own emblem (ex. Black Ops 1 & 2) or a bunch of pre-made emblems made by Muse.
2. Customize the balloon,fin, hull, deck, railings color
3. Customize the non-usable items on the ship (Ex. Pots and plants....etc)
4. Change the look of the Helm
5. Add Figureheads to ships

If you would like to add anything else be free :)

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2013, 01:31:04 am »
My wife and I sat for hours, and I mean hours customizing shirts and logos on APB.  We managed to make every Final Fantasy logo out of all the dozens of typical tribal shapes and common patterns.  I'd hardly ever leave the damn thing if something like that was in the game.
I became obsessed with getting the dragoon armor right for FF4.  Or the flames on the meteor for 7. 

Offline Jazzza

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2013, 01:53:00 am »
The Shipyard Idea

The Shipyard will be the place for all Captains to take their ships to customize them cosmetically.

You will have the ability to:

1. Customize a flag with a unique emblem and color(s)
     - The emblem editor could be bunch of shapes that you can mold to make your own emblem (ex. Black Ops 1 & 2) or a bunch of pre-made emblems made by Muse.
2. Customize the balloon,fin, hull, deck, railings color
3. Customize the non-usable items on the ship (Ex. Pots and plants....etc)
4. Change the look of the Helm
5. Add Figureheads to ships

If you would like to add anything else be free :)

That could be merged into my idea:,178.0.html (based on your suggestion)

Offline Helmic

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2013, 06:15:37 pm »
Removed per Code of Conduct.

1. Profanity/Obscenity

    You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. You may not attempt to communicate these by any means, including but not limited to masking, acronyms, abbreviations, innuendo, or languages other than English.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 04:05:38 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Tim the Enchanter

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2013, 08:48:40 am »

That could be merged into my idea:,178.0.html (based on your suggestion)

yeah when I read your idea I felt that Muse could integrate it. I love your idea.
My wife and I sat for hours, and I mean hours customizing shirts and logos on APB.  We managed to make every Final Fantasy logo out of all the dozens of typical tribal shapes and common patterns.  I'd hardly ever leave the damn thing if something like that was in the game.
I became obsessed with getting the dragoon armor right for FF4.  Or the flames on the meteor for 7. 

I was the same way with Black Ops II and Black Ops I had to make all my emblems just right. Mickey Mouse was the hardest one :)
I love when games give the player the ability to be unique and creative!

Offline Cpt. Yami

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2013, 03:08:37 pm »
Would love it if they would add a more indepth ship customizator/builder in adventure mode though, whenever that gets released.

Offline awkm

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2013, 11:40:38 am »
Awhile ago I was told by someone at Muse (cant remember now) that they had no plans to implement a way to customize stats on a ship (balloon, engines, hull, ect.). They do want to do cosmetic customization, but Im not sure on what the flavor would be (flags, hull paint, balloon paint, ect.).

This is correct.  As the person in charge of all balance in the game, adding in more variables that change gameplay will be too much for me to do.  I'll need another designer.  That's just the bottom line.

The more important part of this is you may think that more customization options is better.  This will always be a gut reaction for anyone who plays a game, including myself.  However, flexibility and actually more meaningful decisions can be reached through constraint.  More customization does not necessarily mean better when if most customization options just set you up for failure.

For example, the ways that our airships work is that their flight model is based directly off of engine power and position.  This is real life physics at work here.  If your left side engine is busted, you won't be flying straight any more.  Making available the customization of every engine will set you up for failure if you're not careful to balance your engine power.  This isn't exactly the kind of game we want to make, it's too in-depth.  We're not in full out RPG land yet.  The solution is to have engine sets where you change all the engines.  So you get slow to fast sets.

The counter balance to this may be weight.  Everything you equip has a weight, including weapons.  To me, looking at all the variables... this makes things quite complicated.  It's another axis that I have to deal with and I don't see it as beneficial at this point in time.  What does it mean to guns if I have fast engines?  Does it mean my fast engines are really heavy and I can only carry shitty light weight weapons?  The weapons themselves are already balanced between themselves irregardless of weight.  Even light and heavy slot sizes have been causing problems with perception and usage.

This is not to say that it can't be done.  It just doesn't seem to fit the flow we're going for.  Our matches are quick and snappy as we intended them to be.  Adding all these things to customize sounds like it'll take longer than a match.  You'll be sitting there futzing with weight or whatever and trying to min/max everything while people are waiting in match lobbies.  That doesn't fit too well.

We will have more ships at some point but we're currently doing performance optimizations and measurements (ships are very very resource intensive assets) and designing ship cosmetic customization systems.  Not until those systems and benchmarks have been completed can we work on a new ship.  We don't want to design a new ship and end up changing or gutting a ton of it because our constraints changed.  We need to do it smart and not waste time or effort.


—More ships will come when we figure out our cosmetic customization systems and performance benchmarking.
—More choice doesn't always mean good.  For the feel and pacing of the game, I feel there is more than enough strategic and tactical decision making in ship customization.  This will increase with every ship we make.
—Most importantly, who knows what the future has in store when we launch the next phase of the project.  Stay tuned.

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2013, 09:46:42 am »
Hai I had an idea for some customization. After each victory players would earn a certain type of coin, and once they have enough they could by a ship skin. It wouldnt be to hard to implement into the game but it would give players a feel of options. The skins would still have to be "themed" so they look decent flying with others but that could easily be done.

Offline awkm

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Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2013, 10:35:11 am »
We're doing a Kickstarter for Adventure Mode which will be launched very soon.  Please check it out and leave your comments.  We'll let everyone know the morning it's going to launch so you can jump aboard and get those Early Bird specials, which are a GREAT deal.  Adventure Mode is where I want to implement several more systems for gameplay changing ship customization.,346.0.html